Monday, September 5, 2016

Island of Imagination

Second Grade STEM: Island of Imagination

Imagine this… Rocky, your pet rock, is stranded on an island. You need to build a lookout tower so he/she can see all over the island. Build the tower strong so Rocky can sit on it! 


MVE second grade students participated in a recent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) lesson entitled: Island of Imagination. The lesson was a series of four problems.

Second grade teachers also incorporated an Art lesson by making a pet rock. Students painted the rocks, added eyes, feathered, and named their rocks.

Here is how students “Rocked” the task:

1. First, students explained the problem.
2. Then, they brainstormed solutions with a partner.
3. Next, students made a plan that described how to solve the problem. (They could use drawings and words to explain their plan.)
4. Students then had to follow their plan.
5. Finally, students had to think about what didn’t work. They made changes and tried again.

Students used a recording sheet throughout the process to track their progress. They were given the opportunity to make a plan, imagine, create, and improve.