Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Day in the Life of A Kindergartner

For some of us, it has been a few years since we have stepped foot into a kindergarten classroom. Have you ever wondered what these young learners do throughout the day? 

Let's take a look into their world! 

These students are reading during literacy station. They have been working on reading to self. Students are learning that they can read a book by looking at the pictures, the words, or telling the story in their head.


Students also work on fine motor skills by sorting pom-poms by color using a clothes pin. 

This student is working on Starfall, a literacy app, for their technology integration.

This student is doing word work. She is tracing the alphabet based on the letter and color she drew out of the pile.

These students are working on writing.They are working hard on their strokes to help them write the alphabet.

Students have been learning their letter sounds and writing those letters in an ABC journal. The letter formation has special words that are used when talking about the shapes the letters make. Teachers may say "this letter has a big line down and it curves." Kindergartners work hard on recognizing capital and lowercase letters when they write. They also learn where letters begin on a line. 

These students are working hard during their Literacy Centers. One student is working in Explore Tubs while the other friend is working on reading to self. They have been working hard on building their stamina. 

These two students are doing a GREAT job of working hard during Literacy Centers! They are working in the Word Work center. During their Word Work they practice matching uppercase and lowercase letters and identifying letters sounds.

 In this picture there is one student working on Word Work. Word Work is where students practice matching uppercase and lowercase letters and letter sounds.

 Two students are working on writing. During writing time they have a writing folder where students practice writing/tracing lines, letters, and words. This picture also displays a student working on reading to self. 

This student is working comfortably in their classroom library on read to self. The students LOVE to spend time reading in their classroom race car. 

These boys are also working in Explore Tubs. Explore Tubs are a place where students are able to manipulate items to build their fine motor skills.

Miss Petersen, Miss Leonard, and Mrs. Granatowicz collaborating and planning!