Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bucket Drumming in 5th Grade Music

5th grade students are learning to bucket drum! Ms. Spears is teaching students about correct hand position and sticking with rhythms on percussion instruments. Through this lesson, students are taught cooperation and team building skills in addition to 21st Century Skills. After the preparation of holding sticks, reading and recreating the rhythm, students are able to play the rhythms together. The goal is to have 22 students playing together to make it sound like one. The process takes a lot of discipline, patience, and cooperation by the students and Ms. Spears. 

National Music and Arts Standards: 
Students can read and perform steady beat, equal, long, and short sounds all the time and with different meters. Students can work together creating and re-creating rhythms. Students can explain connection to specific purpose and context. Demonstrate and perform technical skills and interpret articulation, genre, and style.