Monday, October 10, 2016

Mrs. Dickinson's Second Graders Are Having a Great Start to The Year!

Since the beginning of their second grade year, students in Mrs. Dickinson's classroom have had many opportunities to learn about teamwork. They have been communicating, collaborating, and making bigger strides in their learning. Second grade students are also gaining independence, practicing responsibility, and following their classroom contract. 

During their first week of school, students worked in teams to plant their class indoor garden. They also created pet rocks that were later used in construction projects. Their pet rock and construction STEM projects encouraged students to brainstorm, make a plan, create models, and then evaluate what worked and what they would do differently next time. 

"I enjoy seeing the enthusiasm and creativity the students show while working together. They have so much fun." - Mrs. Dickinson 

Enjoying our Kids Scoop News!! 

Problem solving, thinking creatively, listening to others’ ideas, and communicating were the keys to success for this STEM project! 

Next Generation Science Standards: 
K-2 ETS1-1
Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change. Define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. 

Develop a sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. 

SC P.4.3
Understand and apply knowledge of the basic needs of plants and animals and how they interact with each other and their physical environment.  

 Another activity students worked on recently helped them to better understand place value. This Clip Board math activity provides practice plus active learning. The importance of practice is one of the key concepts in our school's Olympic theme this year.  Mrs. Dickinson said, "It is always exciting to see a group of children come together and form a strong, happy class, this year's group of second graders is doing a great job. I'm so proud of them."

Students also made applesauce to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday. Hannah Wendt was so excited about the tasty warm applesauce served at the end of the day she said, " I can't believe we made it ourselves! I think it tastes better because we all worked together."