Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Building a Growth Mindset Through School Family Groups

School Family Groups are in full swing at Missouri Valley Elementary. Last fall, MVE implemented multi-grade level groups that meet monthly to build relationships between students and staff. Family groups stay intact from year to year with outgoing 5th grade students transitioning to middle school and incoming kindergartners joining families as they begin their journey at MVE. 

Purpose of Family Groups: 

  • Build and foster social skills and enhance school-wide climate
  • Decrease behavior issues and increase students' sense of belonging
  • Provide students with the opportunity to build relationships with adults
  • Increase student awareness of social/emotional learning

Family Group Lesson
November, 2016

Topic: Growth Mindset

Gratitude Ice Breaker Questions:  

1. What is something invisible that you are thankful for? 
2. You read a book about a family who lived in another country. They were very poor, but they felt rich. They had a dirt floor, one room house, and they were barefooted with very few clothes. How could they feel grateful? 
3. What is something you are thankful for having learned?

Lesson Objective: Students will understand that their brain is like a muscle. They will grasp the idea that the harder they work, the smarter they can become. 

A growth mindset is when someone believes that with effort and hard work they can learn and make their brains stronger and smarter. 

The video below was viewed by every family group: 

In Episode 1, “A Secret about the Brain,” Mojo learns a secret from his friend, Katie, that changes how he thinks about learning!

Discussion Questions:
    • Why does Mojo want to leave school? Can you sometimes relate to how Mojo is feeling?
    • What does Katie say to Mojo to convince him not to leave?
    • Do you think Mojo can become smarter? Why or why not?
    • What subject do you feel frustrated by sometimes? Can you see yourself becoming smarter in that subject? How?

Check back next month to see how students and staff continue to grow a culture of growth mindset at MVE!

Some of our family groups in action:

Missouri Valley Elementary... Together We Make A Family!!